See – Think – Do!
Our Mission is to carry out good deeds by helping people in need, whether that be in school, the local community or the wider global community. We see who needs help, think about how we can help and then do something about it.
We turn concern into action and are inspired by Christ’s message to love our neighbour as ourselves.
The Mini Vinnie Prayer
Lord, thank you for our gifts and talents.
Lord, show us who needs our help.
Lord, use our hands to help those who are hungry.
Lord, open our hearts to love and comfort those who are sad and lonely.
Lord, let us share our time, gifts and talents with those in need.
Lord, help us to care for the sick.
Lord, may we all help and support each other as Mini-Vinnies to build a better world.
Here are some of our projects:
We keep a keen eye on SVP’s Mini Vinnie campaigns and CAFOD’s emergency appeals to inspire our work in the local community and further afield.
Our Mini Vinnies went with Miss Rowe and Mrs Webster to Cheviot Court Care Home. They ran a session of bingo for the residents there. They all had a lovely afternoon.
Some of our Mini Vinnies helped Father Keith and the parishioners of St. Oswald’s and St. Gregory’s to pack the ‘Bags of Love’ that are made for our local community services to provide for those in need at this time of year.
#stgregorysway #proud #parishestogether #FaithInAction
Our Mini-Vinnies organised a charity bake sale to raise money for Children in Need. They raised £ 100.
Our Mini Vinnies collected and packed up all the harvest goods, which were collected by the Key to Life food bank.